Supplying the brewing, food and beverage industry.

The invaluable benefits of a sensory tasting panel


Have you ever considered how consistent your beer’s flavour is? Or what the key sensory attributes are?

A clear picture of the various attributes associated with beer production, and how to get the best out of them for your processes and finished product, can be of great benefit to your business and your consumers.

We have a highly trained descriptive panel, called our Beverage Panel, who specialise exclusively in sensory assessment of beer and other alcoholic beverages. Read our blog from Sue Purcell, Sensory Training Section Manager and Beverage Consultant, who details how descriptive sensory panels work and the many ways that our Beverage Panel can support your business.

Let our sensory team provide you with the sensory information you need about your products. Get in touch to find out more about how to use our Beverage Panel to benefit the quality and success of your beer and other beverage products.

Picture of Makisha Schultz

Makisha Schultz

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