Supplying the brewing, food and beverage industry.


Edwin Holden’s Bottling Ltd

Staying on top of the latest industry insights and collaborating with partners throughout the entire value chain is incredibly important to us in order to maintain the best quality service for our customers. That’s why we’re proud members of BFBI!

Paul Corbett, Managing Director, Charles Faram & Co Ltd

Good business is about getting to know your customers and then responding to their needs. The BFBi provides fantastic opportunities to network with customers, fellow industry suppliers and industry bodies. It provides guidance when you need it, industry information in a weekly newsletter, training for team members and support with industry exhibitions and shows. We wouldn’t be without it

Simon Aspinall, Marketing Manager, Verder Liquids

“The BFBI is a credit to the industries it serves. We as a company are a member of several industry associations, but few have the commitment and initiative of the BFBI led by Ruth. What has stood out to us as a manufacturer is the level of frequent communication about the industry to assist our products and the sense of urgency to connect members. We would heartily recommend that any service provider, manufacturer or stakeholder in the hygienic industries should join the BFBI; you’re in safe hands with Ruth.”

Andy Lawrence, Business Development Manager, TVS Supply Chain Solutions

“We at TVS Supply Chain Solutions would like to say a huge thank you to Ruth and the BfBi for the sheer amount of information that has been provided to us during the Covid-19 pandemic. Checking back, the very first mention of this was in an email on 9th March, and then from the 15th March when the lockdown was effectively introduced there has been an almost daily update. The amount of work that has gone on behind the scenes while in lockdown has been astounding, from information gathering and sharing to direct lobbying of government, all while the rest of the team have been furloughed! The insights that we have gathered during this time has enabled us to make sound business decisions around the messages that we send out to our customers and the timings of these messages. Thank you for your absolute dedication to the membership as always Ruth.”  

Matthew Hidderley, Head of Sales & Marketing at Niras Lorien Engineering Solutions

“BFBI provides not only a voice for the industry but also practical advice and support from factory tours, networking, breakfast seminars on specialist topics such as compliance machinery assessments, H&S, capacity increase through to promotion at international shows. Join now and you will soon see the benefits as we have for 30 years.” Matthew Hidderley, Head of Sales & Marketing at Lorien Engineering Solutions

Andy Ensor, UK Sales Manager, HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd

‘For years Ruth and the BFBi have been a pleasure to work with and have proved invaluable in helping us with introductions to key personnel throughout the industry. Events are always well planned, great value and a pleasure to attend’. Andy Ensor, UK Sales Manager, HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd

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